One Hundred and Second Installation Meeting

Monday 7th of November 2022 saw the one hundred and second Installation Meeting of the South Kent Lodge.
As always, it was well attended by guests and visitors, including Masters of the South Kent sister Lodges.
The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master appointed W.Bro. Eddie Halpin as his representative for this Installation meeting.
The Master Elect., Bro. Marc Terry, was ably installed in the Chair by the Installing Master W. Bro. Dennis Fordham.
It was an event of personal significance to the new W.M. as it was his first time of being installed in the Chair of King Solomon.
The outgoing W.M. W.Bro.Dennis Fordham, was thanked by the new W.M. for his tenure in the Chair of King Solomon for the past year..
The new Master then proceeded to invest his Officers.
Many congratulations to our new W.M. for attaining the Chair of King Solomon in the South Kent Lodge for his first time.
It was also good to see some Brethren progressing though the offices, whilst some of our newer members took office for the first time.
We wish them well for the forthcoming year, as we do the new Master.
Congratulations to all for a ceremony worthy of such an occasion.
There followed a Festive Board which was enjoyed by all.
At the beginning of the second century of the Lodge, we are sure it will flourish in the safe hands of W.Bro. Marc Terry who is well assured of the support of his officers and brethren and is most certainly held in their highest estimation.
As always, it was well attended by guests and visitors, including Masters of the South Kent sister Lodges.
The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master appointed W.Bro. Eddie Halpin as his representative for this Installation meeting.
The Master Elect., Bro. Marc Terry, was ably installed in the Chair by the Installing Master W. Bro. Dennis Fordham.
It was an event of personal significance to the new W.M. as it was his first time of being installed in the Chair of King Solomon.
The outgoing W.M. W.Bro.Dennis Fordham, was thanked by the new W.M. for his tenure in the Chair of King Solomon for the past year..
The new Master then proceeded to invest his Officers.
Many congratulations to our new W.M. for attaining the Chair of King Solomon in the South Kent Lodge for his first time.
It was also good to see some Brethren progressing though the offices, whilst some of our newer members took office for the first time.
We wish them well for the forthcoming year, as we do the new Master.
Congratulations to all for a ceremony worthy of such an occasion.
There followed a Festive Board which was enjoyed by all.
At the beginning of the second century of the Lodge, we are sure it will flourish in the safe hands of W.Bro. Marc Terry who is well assured of the support of his officers and brethren and is most certainly held in their highest estimation.